30 Day Fitness Challenge


Young woman holding a plank pose


You are fearfully and wonderfully made, so join the challenge and spend the next 30 days taking care of that incredible body that God created. Below is a general fitness challenge, but you can download 8 other specialized fitness routines to help your body become stronger, more flexible or set a goal for running, swimming, biking and more.

This fitness challenge might take a little prep. Having a healthy body isn’t just about exercise, it’s about nutrition, sleep and a healthy understanding of your identity. So look ahead to make sure you carve out the right amount of time or add certain foods to your grocery list. This challenge was designed to do from start to finish, but some activities take more time than others, or are set for a specific time of day, so plan accordingly. You’ll start the challenge on a Friday, rather than the first day of the month. 

In general you’ll do your most intense workout on a Saturday. Allow yourself to rest on Monday and Friday, then do light activity the rest of the week. Rest is just as important as your workout. You need to give your muscles a break so they can recuperate and form muscles properly.

It’s a big challenge to commit to something for 30 days, so there are tasks to help strengthen your spirit and mind through this 30 day commitment. A huge aspect of this 30 day challenge is about trying something new. You’ll never fully improve yourself if you don’t experience things that stretch and motivate you beyond your daily routine. 

Being active also includes being a part of your community, so invite a friend or family member to join you and work together toward the same goal! We’re excited to hear how it goes. 

Follow This 30 Day Fitness Challenge

DAY 1:  Friday – Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

– Walk 10 minutes.

DAY 2:  Saturday – Swim laps for 20 minutes.

DAY 3: Sunday – Lift weights

– Write a list of 10 things you’re grateful for.

DAY 4: Monday – Read Isaiah 40:28-31

– Snack on 1/4 cup of almonds and fresh fruit instead of junk food.

DAY 5: Tuesday – Walk 1 mile.

DAY 6: Wednesday – Yoga for 30 minutes.

– Connect with a friend.

DAY 7: Thursday – Do mountain climbers for 1 minute 3 times.

– Cook a healthy meal with your mom.

DAY 8: Friday – Watch a funny movie that will make you laugh.

– Smile at 9 people today that you normally wouldn’t.

DAY 9: Saturday – Ride your bike for 1 hour.

DAY 10: Sunday – 3 sets of 10 bicycles for your abs. 

Declutter your room or workspace.

DAY 11: Monday – Enjoy some rich dark chocolate.

DAY 12: Tuesday – Walk 2 miles. Try to walk on an incline for at least half of the journey. 

DAY 13: Wednesday – Read Genesis 1-2:3 in the morning.

Do an exercise you’ve never done before (dance, martial arts, boxing, etc.)

DAY 14: Thursday – Stretch for 20 minutes hold each pose for 1 minute.

DAY 15: Friday – Take a bubble bath.

Sleep 8-10 hours tonight.

DAY 16: Saturday – Ride a bike for 20 minutes.

– Eat a fruit or vegetable from every color of the rainbow (eat three fruits and three vegetables).

DAY 17: Sunday – Do a plank pose for 1 minute, then counter with a bridge pose for 1 minute. Do this 3 times at 3 different times throughout the day.

DAY 18: Monday – Read Psalm 139.

Unplug from technology for an hour and relax with a good mani/pedi

DAY 19: Tuesday – Do yoga for an hour. Take a yoga class or find a free video online. 

DAY 20: Wednesday – All abs all day: Do bicycles, 100s, reach out and tuck in, scissors and plank for a minute each 5 different times during the day.

DAY 21: Thursday – Dance for 30 minutes (in your bedroom, take a class or invite friends over for a party.)

DAY 22: Friday – Refrain from drinking coffee.

DAY 23: Saturday – Hike a moderate or difficult trail for 1.5 miles. 

DAY 24: Sunday – Lift weights. 

– Exfoliate your skin. 

DAY 25: Monday – Eat something spicy. 

DAY 26: Tuesday – Swim laps for 30 minutes. 

– Eat 6 small meals rather than 3 big ones. 

DAY 27: Wednesday – Do 3 sets of 10 squats 3 times today. 

– Add a plant to your room to help clean the air. 

DAY 28: Thursday – Ride or walk to school.

DAY 29: Friday – Read a good book or at least one chapter. 

DAY 30: Saturday – Read Hebrews 12:1-3.

Eat a healthy picnic at the park with family & friends. After you eat, play a series of fun outdoor games.

Download Additional 30 Day Fitness Challenge

Members can access a free download of 8 other 30-day fitness challenges. If you aren’t already a member, become a member today, or sign up for periodic email updates and you can receive the download for free.

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