Explore the foundation of your identity. Find answers to the questions you have about your faith as you strengthen and grow in your relationship and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
- Psalms 91:2
We all have the drive to pursue something. We tend to pursue things we find pleasure in or enjoy. Though, many things are pleasurable, few are satisfying. The Lord, however, tells us to pursue love.
Someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit has a peaceful countenance and a measured, calm way of doing things.
The Bible shows us that our God is one, and yet three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit: a Trinity. The most controversial Person in the Trinity is the Holy Spirit, who has this quality of invisibility that challenges our human comprehension.
It’s fun to contemplate all the wonder that comes from accepting the Spirit. By asking Jesus to be Lord of our life and receiving the Spirit, we enter into a deep connection with the Lord, where the Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, directs our lives and teaches us to assume the character of Christ.
The more praise I earned, the more I attempted to do everything right. Since I received so many compliments from people about my behavior, I assumed if I wanted God’s approval, I had to earn it by doing things for Him.
At some point we all have to decide what we believe to be true. That includes the Bible. We have to decide if the Bible is true.
My heart hurts daily – not because people are mean to me, or my heart was broken by a guy or a friend. No, my heart hurts daily because there are people I love who do not yet love the Lord. We who know the Lord will live with a hurt heart until we share our faith with everyone and they all know and love the Lord. It’s a burden we bear. A burden they are unaware of, but a burden that the Lord helps us to mend.
The Fruit of the Spirit captures the essence of the gospel. As we accept Christ as our Savior, the fruit of the Spirit will become more abundant and evolve as we pursue a deeper relationship with Christ.
Prayer can be difficult, though it’s a remarkable exchange that can require discipline and practice. There’s no formula to prayer because it’s about who you are and your relationship with the Lord. Some have found that writing down their prayers keeps them focused.
Knowing who you are honors who God created you to be. Anytime you try to change yourself to fit into a group at school, be accepted by a boy or mold yourself into societies definitions of beauty, you are in a sense mocking God. Through your actions and motives, you’re informing Him that the way He created you isn’t good enough.
You offer to pray for a friend. A week goes by and you realize that you haven’t actually prayed for her.
God made you beautiful, inside and out, and the Fruit of the Spirit is one way that reflects the inner beauty God gave you. In Proverbs 31:10-31, there’s an example of an amazing woman, inside and out. She displays the Fruit of the Spirit in her daily life.
The need to have patience is a sign that God is throwing a test your way. Patience occurs when God’s testing you to make you stronger.
Download this PDF of twelve scripture on freedom and hang it in your room or tuck it away in our journal or Bible.
Prayer is an incredibly important aspect of your relationship with the Lord. Here’s a list of 9 things to pray about, with little prompts on how to talk to God about each of those subjects.
Jesus knew people would be uncomfortable serving and being served. In fact, He experienced this lack of comfort himself when washing His disciples feet as depicted in John 13: 1-15.
How important do you think the Bible is? Is it important enough to you to make it a priority?
Will life ever get any easier? The reality of this painful question is that it may not. Life is hard, but it can be beautiful. As we experience life’s hardship and trauma, it’s time to cling to God. A time of crisis is not the time to lose our faith, it is a time to USE it.
In church, I hear about finding rest through quiet time, prayer, reading the Bible and worship. But I rarely hear anything about why I sleep so much.
Adventure can be a thrill or a nightmare. But, when God is with us in the adventure, He will bring us peace, comfort and strength to endure. He wants us to experience a sense of accomplishment as we reflect on how He uses and grows us in that adventure.
The Lord is our shepherd and we can live our life in peace and security because we know the Lord is protecting and guiding us along our path.
It’s hard to understand the depths of God’s love when we’re so casual and sometimes careless with our expression.
Most scripture speaks about God’s love for us or loving others. Here’s 9 Bible Verses About Self Love.
Discover your God-given Spiritual gifts and learn to use them for His glory. Check out the latest episode of Everything We Need, a nine-minute devotional podcast, brought to you by Nine Media. Each episode covers topics to help you understand that God provides all the resources and opportunities we need to live our fullest life in Him.
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Our vision is to become a community of confident young people who embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit and emulate God’s character throughout all aspects of their lives.
Our mission is to reflect Jesus Christ’s message of love and salvation through culturally relevant media and resources that empower young people to attain their fullness in God.