Jordan St. Cyr Building A Strong Foundation


Jordan St. Cyr


We have to build our life on something, if we don’t we will fall. Jordan St. Cyr’s sophomore album, My Foundation, resonates with those building their foundation on solid rock. He speaks through personal experiences that touch the hearts of all who have weathered storms. 

“The idea of my foundation has never been physical,” Jordan explains. “It’s always been this understanding of God as my heavenly Father; being the foundation on which I build my life on and the home I get to participate in building with Him for my wife and kids.”

As the father of four, Jordan’s life is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of his children. At birth, his youngest was diagnosed with a rare brain condition that causes regular seizures. When Emery was four, the family left their Canadian home and moved to Nashville, TN to connect with a series of doctors at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Jordan’s first album encapsulates the struggle of facing such a frightful disease. 

Now, as a beautiful 5-year-old, his daughter has been seizure free for a year. When God overcomes a major storm such as that, you have to sing. “There are songs there–something worth saying,” proclaims Jordan. The album, My Foundation, celebrates God’s healing power. “I’ve seen what God’s done in our life through our little girl and through our season of adjustment,” Jordan says. “That is really what the record in its entirety is about.”

Through this hardship, Jordan and his wife found themselves turning toward God through countless hours of prayer. “Thinking back now, I recall my wife and I staying up night after night for weeks praying for Emery. This record is quite literally a statement of faith declaring not ‘what,’ but ‘Who’ me and my family’s lives are built upon,” explains Jordan. 

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

Matthew 7:24-27

This parable creates the focus of the album, “As a family we had to root down and lean into faith – our foundation,” Jordan says. The theme throughout is how we will all be okay because we have God as our foundation. 

Jordan St. Cyr Writes About Difficulties In All Time

The song “Generation To Generation” was inspired by a conversation between Jordan and his grandfather. Jordan’s grandfather explained that he was relieved he didn’t have to raise children during this time. Jordan was caught off guard by this statement because his grandfather had gone through some tremendously difficult times (WWII and the Great Depression). “They went through some hard stuff,” Jordan says. “We don’t have war. We have TikTok.” Through this conversation, Jordan realized that every generation has trials and challenges. But, through it all, God is with us. “My kids are going to be okay,” Jordan says. “And even when they face hard things in life, they’re going to be okay because He’s constant and He is good.”

Through his album release, Jordan offers the song “Rescue” which is about Jesus leading him through the darkest, most difficult days of his life. Jordan writes his music as a means to connect with what he’s going through. He writes songs in which the human heart can relate. “That’s really the heartbeat of my music,” he says. “I want to write songs that get to the heart of the matter. Ones that are gritty and get to the real stuff.” 

Listen to Jordan St. Cyr Powerful Song Rescue

Musicians, just like the rest of us, can see God’s hand on their lives when they look back and reflect. Many people recall the highs – an award or good grade, victory, friendship, vacation – and lows – sickness, death, broken relationship, defeat or loss of something or someone – of life when seeing God at work. “The highlights of my life will not be music,” Jordan says. “My highlights are my wife and our kids, the life we’re leading, and where God is taking us. The music I write is really in support of that, not the other way around.”

With all that Jordan has experienced the last few years, he praises the Lord for the outcome, “I now rejoice for all the gifts He gave us through the process.”

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