Have Patience – It’s a Struggle and Test
The need to have patience is a sign that God is throwing a test your way. Patience occurs when God’s testing you to make you stronger.
The need to have patience is a sign that God is throwing a test your way. Patience occurs when God’s testing you to make you stronger.
Prayer is an incredibly important aspect of your relationship with the Lord. Here’s a list of 9 things to pray about, with little prompts on how to talk to God about each of those subjects.
Will life ever get any easier? The reality of this painful question is that it may not. Life is hard, but it can be beautiful. As we experience life’s hardship and trauma, it’s time to cling to God. A time of crisis is not the time to lose our faith, it is a time to USE it.
Adventure can be a thrill or a nightmare. But, when God is with us in the adventure, He will bring us peace, comfort and strength to endure. He wants us to experience a sense of accomplishment as we reflect on how He uses and grows us in that adventure.
Tons of churches are jazzed up for their Christmas Eve services because they know un-churched people will be walking through their door. The discipline of growing ones faith seems to be a lot less interesting and glamorous than the energy and excitement of bringing another soul to Christ. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) doesn’t say, “Go out and convert everyone to Christianity.”
Books can be some of the most effective tools in understanding God and His love for you. Here are some books that will serve as both a catalyst in your relationship with Jesus and a fun read.
Have you ever thought about why you’re a Christian? Where did your beliefs come from? It’s easy to say how you became a Christian, but it’s a lot more difficult to figure out why you prescribe to the Christian faith.
The brain is one of the most complex objects in the known universe. It’s a reflection of its maker. Here are eight concepts about how our brains were made and the way brain development occurs that can help us understand our faith.
Spending time in fasting and prayer means gently seting your body before God so inner transformation might take place—by God’s Spirit, not by your own striving.
Discover your God-given Spiritual gifts and learn to use them for His glory. Check out the latest episode of Everything We Need, a nine-minute devotional podcast, brought to you by Nine Media. Each episode covers topics to help you understand that God provides all the resources and opportunities we need to live our fullest life in Him.
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Our vision is to become a community of confident young people who embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit and emulate God’s character throughout all aspects of their lives.
Our mission is to reflect Jesus Christ’s message of love and salvation through culturally relevant media and resources that empower young people to attain their fullness in God.